We are a community-oriented ministry based in Littleton, Colorado. Our vision is to improve the lives of people through Biblically based intervention. Using the Apostolic Doctrine as our guiding standard, we endeavor to scaffold around the lives of people, providing spiritual, emotional, and natural support as they mature in their walk with Jesus Christ.
Visit Us
Our church is located at 379 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO, 80129. You can find our full schedule of services below and join us live or over Zoom. We also host morning prayer on the weekdays.
Weekly Service Schedule
Our schedule of services are as follows:
9am MT - Sunday School
10:30am MT - Morning Service
6:30pm MT - Evening Service
6:30pm MT - Bible Study
You'll welcome to join us on Zoom for our Sunday or Tuesday services.
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5829987846?pwd=dy9TRzYzaUJtYjBOSVV5bDQxUXhkUT09​
Meeting ID: 582 998 7846
Passcode: Call (720)283-3066 or email
Dial by Your Location: +1 669 444 9171 US
We also serve our community through outreach activities on Thursday and Friday evenings - please call us at (720)283-3066 to learn more.​
Daily Prayer
We meet weekly at 6am from Monday - Friday to pray. We're a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty. Our prayer team is willing to pray for any special requests so please share them with us.

Building lives for Christ
Contact Apostolic Ministries in Action